Friday, February 22, 2013


"Feminist" is not a bad word, but there are many conservative evangelical christians who strongly dislike the word "feminist" or "feminism".  In fact, I usually refrain from using the term because of the strong cultural connotations and conceptions it carries along.  Personally, I understand that to be a feminist simply means being an advocate for men and women as human beings, created in the image of God, to be treated with dignity and respect, not hindered from certain jobs, roles, privileges, or care and protection, just because of gender. Not bad things, right? In that sense, I am quite comfortable calling myself a feminist, but most of the time, I don't, because when most conservative evangelicals hear that, they think of sexual liberation, abortion rights, and man-haters.  And there are feminists who fit that description, so it is not completely inaccurate to think in those terms.

The article linked below I found extremely helpful in clarifying the different movements and emphases of feminism throughout its history.  Not all feminism carries a negative connotation, so I can be free to call myself a feminist.  It also brings up some potential problems.  First, if I happen to call myself a feminist, I must still clarify which wave I am referring, because there are some aspects of feminism that have been detrimental to culture, and those are the aspects conservative Christians remember the most.  Second, if a pastor references feminism from the pulpit, s/he must clarify which movement s/he is referring to, so as not to perpetuate the idea that all feminism is bad.  With those potential problems, I am still not comfortable calling myself a feminist, even if I think it's a good thing.

After you read the article [blog post] I've linked below, I would love some feedback on its content, on your perception of feminism in general, how you think it affects your ministry, and anything else you think adds to the discussion.  


  1. Good article attached to your blog.

    I wish I could remember the Source of the following information I wanted to share, hopefully I will come across it and post it on here. Concerning the book release of the Feminine Mystique and the time-frame that spans to us today: Sociologist are concluding that with the rise of women in the workplace, achieving success financially and socially, women are still as unhappy, unsatisfied as they were when they were still 'just in the home'.

    This statement I read jumped out to me both when you explained your feminist stance and again reading the article.

    It seems to me, regardless of gender, that humans take great strides attempting to fill our hearts with 'stuff' that we never truly find joy. The need seems to come deeper than equality for all, rather a need for 'oneness' of self.

  2. Good job Sabrina. I think your thoughts help clarify that even though this is a loader term, it can be used in helpful ways.
